1. Check In
Throughout the week send a quick text with words of encouragement!
2. Hold Her Accountable She told you what her goals were now it's your turn to hold her accountable. Follow up and ask if she accomplished it on the day she planned to do it. If she didn't get done what she set out to do, talk through what happened and how you can help make sure it does. 3. Schedule Time It's important for accountability to happen for your friend to know you have a scheduled time to talk to share what her Pursuit goals are and then how they're going. 4. Pick Her Up Failure is never fun and it's bound to happen, we're human right!? But when we have someone to help pick us up when we fall and tell us it's okay, then we can start new the next day. Be that person to your friend in the Project. 5. Celebrate The Wins This is the best part of being a Supportability Partner! Celebrate the little and big accomplishments because they are equally as important. I'm certain you have everything it takes because she picked you for this job. Thank you again for playing such an important role in the Project!! |