Challenge 1: Love Yourself First
Being able to create and grow lasting relationships (Humans Pursuit) takes loving ourselves first! Studies have shown that without sufficient self-love or better stated, self acceptance, we're not capable of truly loving others. So we are going to start this Project by showing ourselves a little love.
How do you like to treat yourself?
Whatever it is, DO IT TODAY! |
If you have participated in any of our Projects in the past, you know the importance practicing gratitude has on our every day joy. Gratitude plays a huge role in all of our Projects at Love What's Next for this very reason.
Every challenge throughout all our LWN Free Projects comes with a "One Thought a Day Gratitude Journal" entry, where you are prompted to reflect on your day. Then write one thing you are grateful for that specific day. Journaling is a way for you to process your emotions and increase self-awareness. And practicing gratitude helps us feel more positive emotions, improves our health, deal with adversity, and build stronger relationships.
Gratitude Blog: |
Journal Entry 1
What you will need:
My Experience Journaling
One of the things I discovered on my Love What's Next journey was the gift of journaling. I will admit it didn't feel like a gift at the time that I started journaling and sometimes it still doesn't. The gift comes long after, maybe even a year later, when you can look back and see how much you have accomplished and grown in that year's time. Now that I have a number of years of writing in my journal, every time I write, I look back a year or two earlier on that date and reminisce about where I was at that point in my life and reflect on how far I've come. It's actually pretty darn cool! I can't force you to do this but I will say with a strong conviction that this is a huge piece to the puzzle to how to love what's next. And if you are serious about finding MORE joy, then I highly encourage you to begin journaling TODAY! I promise you wont regret it. |
How will you pamper YOURSELF TODAY?
COMMENT below and tell us what you plan to do!