Sara appears to have it all together, a great marriage to a wonderful guy with three amazing kids. She has a successful career as an interior designer and lives in a beautiful home in a nice suburb outside of Denver. On the surface, Sara is happy. But what you don’t see is what she’s hiding and what she so desperately wants out of life…JOY! Being present in her life, being grateful for all she has been given, having purpose, that spark the sets her soul on fire, and finding peace no matter what life throws her way. This is the kind of joy she’s seeking but doesn’t know how to find any more. Over the years Sara and her husband have had their fair share of ups and downs along the way, who doesn’t right?! But they've always found a way to come together. But over the last couple years they’ve somehow drifted apart. They’re both really busy with their jobs and haven’t made each other a priority and with all three kids grown and on their own, they’ve found they have less and less to talk about. Sara does enjoy her job but somehow she's feeling a sense of loss she just can’t shake since the third of her three kids, Jake, left for college this year. She’s always had a good relationship with God and she tries to call on him daily for peace and direction but isn’t always the best at that. Being a mother has always been her most fulfilling job so she’s feeling an overwhelming sense of uncertainty about her new role as a mom of adult kids and how to find that fulfillment/purpose again in something else. Oh, and on top of all that the wrinkles are creeping in, gray hairs seem to be popping up every where and weight gain is harder to keep at bay. She’s having a hard time staying positive about her self image which plays out in her intimacy with her husband. She's introspective about the world and how she fits into it, especially now that her kids are grown and she’s not a full time mom any more. She asks herself often, “Who am I in this new phase in my life and will I be as happy as I was before my kids left home? Can my husband and I rekindle that spark we use to have? I just don’t know where to begin." This is a similar story I hear from women who enroll in the Love What’s Next Project. They live very blessed lives but still feel unfulfilled with where they are in life. It’s incredible to see the transformation that happens when they begin to move out of this rut and into a daily state of joy! Does any of this sound familiar to YOUR STORY right now in your life? We all go through different transitions throughout our life time but some are more difficult to work through alone. I created the Love What’s Next Project to help women rediscover who they want to be in their next phase in life because I could so relate to the woman in this story. I would love to help you grow and mend your most meaningful relationships and show you how to create a life you can’t wait to live!! If this sounds like something you’re searching for in your life then let’s chat! Set up a time to talk with me at your convenience. Just don’t wait too long and let another day of not living a life you love when I can help you move quickly to JOY! Let's Chat! Click the link to my calendar and schedule something TODAY! CAN YOU RELATE TO SARA'S STORY? COMMENT BELOW AND SHARE YOUR STORY! xoxo Nicole
I’ve so been there! You know that rut that feels like a canyon you just can’t seem to climb out of. You so desperately want to feel more joy in your life but you just can’t seem to muster up the energy and the will power to do it. Every night before you go to bed you tell yourself tomorrow’s the day, I’m going to start that exercise program and I’m going to pack a healthy lunch to take to work. I’m going to reach out to my friend I haven't seen in forever to see if she wants to meet up this week some night for a glass of wine. I’m going to look for a new job online during my lunch break and then I’m going to make a delicious dinner for my husband so we can have a really nice dinner together. THEN…. Morning comes, the alarm goes off an hour earlier in order to have time to get to the gym and make that healthy sack lunch before you head out to work. You hit the snooze button and fall back asleep. Now, you’re behind and don’t have time to get everything done that you told yourself you wanted to do before going to work. You’re mad at yourself but not mad enough to jump out of bed and move fast to accomplish at least one thing, a walk or pack your healthy lunch. The rest of the day ends up being just like every other day in this “canyon” you’re trying to climb out of…unsuccessful and disappointed again. You didn’t pack a lunch so you had to go out for lunch. That led to not having time to look for a new job during your break. You weren’t in the “right mood” to call your friend to set a date to meet up even though you know it’s what you need to help you get out of this funk and after work you’re feeling defeated again and don’t feel like cooking so you pick up pizza for dinner. And the cycle continues…Am I right?! If this sounds familiar or a story similar, just know you’re not alone! EVERYONE at one point or another goes through this “transition". Whether it’s something traumatic that’s caused this rut, like the loss of a loved one or overcoming an illness or maybe it’s a transition into empty nest (this is most definitely a feeling of loss), we’ve all felt this way or will some time in our life. Our parents are aging, our kids are moving out and we’re facing a "new normal”. I most definitely felt paralyzed when the youngest of my three left for college. I so wanted to be excited about life but I just didn’t know how to climb out of my “canyon”. Over time I got so sick of feeling this way that I finally decided to make a change. I committed to making one, small, NEW, GOOD decision a day. Focusing on one, new thing prevented me from feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Instead I felt accomplished and proud of myself for making progress towards my “new normal”. That one decision led to another and another and over time I was soaring above the canyon full of joy!! I began to research what the most successful, grateful, and joyful people in the world do to prevent falling back into that rut. I studied them, tested and experienced each one and those were my ONE, NEW, GOOD decision each day that I implemented into my life that catapulted me out of the canyon. If you're in a rut and want to be led out as quickly as possible, message me at [email protected] . We can set up a time to chat! Make that email to me your first, NEW, GOOD DECISION on the road to finding joy every day in your life!! I've been there, I can help!! xoxo Nicole |
AuthorNicole Cavey is the Chief Pursuit Officer of Love What's Next. Through her personal journey to uncover what was next for her, she discovered that you can love where you are no matter what stage in life you are in... as long as you know how. Her mission is to show YOU how! Archives
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